When our kids were growing up they loved to play the “Jesus game.” In case you haven’t heard of this, it is where each player takes turns naming the attributes of the Lord by going through the alphabet.
One Saturday morning our son had an early out-of-town soccer game. We loaded up the car and headed down the road. As soon as we backed out of the driveway, Ashleigh, who was our four-year-old at the time, squealed, “let’s play the Jesus game!” The rest of us quickly agreed.
My son, Alex, chimed in, “I’m first, mom, you’re second daddy and your third and Ashleigh you’re fourth.”
“Can I Do “Q”?
After setting the rules, which he loves to do, Alex began with Jesus’ attribute of “A – Amazing.” I added “B – Brilliance,” And my husband offered “C- Comforter.”
Ashleigh looked up and said, “I don’t want to do “D.” Can I do “Q”?
The three of us looked at each other, and agreed since it was our game, we could change the rules, and said, “Sure.”
With a huge grin on her face, she proudly announced, “Q – God is Cute!”
A Young Girl’s Reflection
We giggled a little under our breath, and then it dawned on me. I had always dressed Ashleigh like a living baby doll. She wore gingham dresses, smocks, and outfits made of eyelet lace, and her beautiful loose curls were adorned with a bow to match each dress.
As long as Ashleigh could remember, when someone would see her they would comment, “Oh, she is so cute.”
Ashleigh caught on very quickly they were saying this out of kindness and love for her – they were being nice. So, with childlike faith, she associated Jesus with being cute. We didn’t tell her any differently that day.
I have this deep feeling in my heart that Jesus smiled when He heard Ashleigh, and her beautiful definition of Him. As she grew older, His love and adoration for her brought her to a saving faith.
Such is the Kingdom Jesus told His disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. (Mark 10:14-15).
Having pure faith like a child has nothing to do with hair bows or white eyelet dresses, it simply means that we come to Jesus with a childlike heart – and in Him we find salvation.
Ashleigh hopped out the car that morning, smiled and said, “Thank you for letting me change my letter. I just want to tell everybody that Jesus is cute” – or as she would spell it, “Qute.”
Regardless, she wanted to let the world know about the One she adores and loves. Taken from Cherie’s book: “Growing My Divine Shrine”